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Hey there fellow parents! Ryan Reynolds here – no not really, but as a dad who’s been there, done that, and gotten the spit-up stained t-shirt, I feel a kinship with the Deadpool star. We’re both doing our best to juggle family life, dirty diapers, and sleep deprivation. And we have the Bye Bye Man bags under our eyes to prove it!

That’s why I’m eager to connect with you – yes, YOU – the moms and dads who make this crazy parenting journey worth every zombified moment. Got a funny story or a clever hack for surviving snack time tantrums? Let me know! I love hearing about the little parenting victories that get us through the day.

Or if you just want to chime in on my latest post about screen time struggles, I welcome your thoughts! Parenting can feel isolating, but we’re all in this together. So reach out anytime – I promise to get back to you as soon as possible (or at least by the next naptime).


And if you have an idea for a blog post you’d like to see, definitely send it my way! As a parent blogger, I rely on input from readers like you to come up with content that really resonates. What burning questions do you have about parenting that you’d love some wisdom on? What hilarious anecdotes do you want to share that we can all relate to? I want to cover the topics that reflect the modern parent experience in all its messy, chaotic glory.

So if there’s something you want me to write about – whether it’s nurturing a picky eater, managing screen time, getting more couple time, or dealing with tantrums and power struggles – let me know! I’m always looking to provide tips, insights, commiseration, and comic relief around the issues that impact parents most. Your suggestions help make this blog a valuable resource and community for moms and dads everywhere.

Looking forward to hearing from you, fellow life-travelers. We got this! Now go treat yourself to a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) – you deserve it! And if the kids start fighting while you’re enjoying that precious moment of self-care, just yell “Ryan Reynolds says to keep it down!” They’ll either go silent in awe or get louder fighting over which Deadpool movie is best. Either way, you win!