Toys That Start with T: 25 Terrific Ideas

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Toys That Start with T

It’s The Corny Dad and I’m back on the hunt for terrific new toys that start with T to spark your curiosity and feed your imagination. With so many top-notch toys beginning with T, it was tough for me to pick the best ones suited for different interests and ages. Whether you need alphabet toys for school, name letter gifts, or just fun without screens, toys starting with T provide endless entertainment.

There are many reasons we may want T toys:

  • Your teacher assigned the letter T for show & tell or classwork
  • I want name-letter gifts for birthdays and holidays
  • You do speech therapy for the T sound
  • Your preschool uses letter-based learning centers
  • We want alphabet games to practice letter recognition
  • We want open-ended toys to spark your imagination

With so many tremendous T toy options, choosing the perfect ones for you kiddos can feel overwhelming! From trains and trucks to trumpets and telescopes, I’ve picked 25 marvelous T-themed toys you’ll treasure while developing new skills!

25 Toys That Start with T

  1. Teddy Bear
    (Ages 0+, Plush Toys, Comfort)

Teddy bears are classic stuffed animals that have been beloved by children for generations. They are made of soft plush materials and are perfect for hugging and cuddling. Teddy bears are available in various sizes from small to extra large. Most teddy bears feature plastic eyes and stitched noses and mouths to add personality and character. They come in all colors but the original teddy bears were brown to resemble a bear. Teddy bears make great gifts for babies, toddlers, and even older kids who appreciate the comfort of a stuffed animal. They’re a toy that starts with the letter T that provides security and can be treasured for a lifetime.

Giant Teddy Bear
  1. Tinker Toys
    (Ages 3+, Building Toys, Develops Motor Skills)

Tinker toys are a classic building toy that has been around since the early 1900s. They consist of sticks, spools, and connectors that can be assembled in endless combinations. Tinker toys promote creativity and imagination as kids can build anything from towers and bridges to vehicles and robots. Playing with tinker toys helps develop fine motor control and hand-eye coordination. The open-ended play encourages problem solving skills too. Tinker toys are perfect toys that start with T for preschoolers and young elementary aged kids to explore engineering concepts through hands-on building.

TINKERTOY 30 Model 200 Piece Super Building Set
  1. Tonka Trucks
    (Ages 3+, Ride-On Toys, Durable)

Tonka trucks are toy trucks made of sturdy steel meant for rugged play. Introduced in the 1940s, these American-made trucks are modeled after real construction and work trucks. There are dump trucks, cement mixers, back hoes, flatbed trucks, and more. Tonka trucks are built tough and can withstand being driven through sand, mud, and rough terrain. The large chunky tires and wide wheel base give them great stability. Tonka trucks are toys that start with the letter T and perfect for imagination and role playing. Kids can use them to haul loads, dig up dirt, knock over block towers, and embark on all kinds of pretend play adventures in the sandbox or playground.

Tonka Steel Classics Mighty Dump Truck
  1. Transformers
    (Ages 5+, Action Figures, Convertible)

Transformers are robots that can change into vehicles, dinosaurs, and more. These converting Transformer toys engage kids through imaginative play as they change the figures between modes. Kids activate the transformations manually by twisting, turning, and moving parts on the figures. There are Autobot and Decepticon factions from the Transformers universe. Popular characters like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron and more have been Transformer toys for over 30 years. Transformers are innovative toys that begin with the letter t and allow kids to act out battles and create their own storylines.

  1. Toy Train
    (Ages 3+, Ride-On Toys, Interactive Play)

Toy trains allow kids to explore the exciting world of locomotives. There are many types of toy trains like push-along wooden trains, electric model trains, and ride-on trains. Wooden trains from brands like Brio and Thomas the Tank Engine engage toddlers by encouraging them to build tracks. Electric model train sets are more complex with remote controlled engines, realistically designed train cars, and intricate track layouts. Whatever the style, toy trains inspire creative thinking as kids build railroads, deliver cargo, and embark on imaginary journeys. Toy trains are timeless toys that start with T that spark imaginative play and stem skills.

Thomas & Friends Toy Train Set
  1. Troll Dolls
    (Ages 3+, Collectibles, Colorful Designs)

Troll dolls are quirky, brightly colored dolls with big crazy hair originally created by Danish woodcutter Thomas Dam in 1959. These funny little troll figures grew popular in the 1960s and again in the 1990s. Each vinyl doll has tall, spiky neon hair sticking straight up and cute elf-like features. Troll dolls are known for their big smiles, pot bellies, and crazy hair. No two troll dolls look alike. The dolls were one of the biggest toy crazes and made a fashion statement with their crazy troll hair. Troll dolls are classic toys that start with the letter T that encourage imaginative play as kids make up stories involving the silly-looking trolls.

TROLLS World Tour Poppy & Branch
  1. Trampoline
    (Ages 6+, Outdoor Toys, Promotes Exercise)

Trampolines provide bouncy fun while encouraging exercise. Large trampolines can be placed in the backyard to jump on for recreation and enjoyment. Trampoline parks have become popular birthday party venues with connected trampolines forming bouncing surfaces, pit slides, and climbing walls. Smaller individual rebounder trampolines allow for low impact cardio workouts indoors. Kids and adults will enjoy bouncing, flipping, and practicing gymnastics on a trampoline. Safety nets help prevent falls and injuries. Trampolines are active toys that begin with the letter T that promote fitness, coordination, and gross motor skills. Kids can burn off energy in a safe and thrilling way.

  1. Toy Trumpet
    (Ages 3+, Musical Toys, Stimulates Creativity)

Toy trumpets allow children to explore making music and melody. Trumpets are brass wind instruments made of metal but toy versions are available in plastic. Toy trumpets are perfectly sized for little hands and produce fun trumpet sounds and tunes as the child buzzes lips on the mouthpiece and changes fingering. Playing songs, horns, and tapping toes improves rhythm and music expression. Toy trumpets can inspire kids to eventually learn real musical instruments. Whether it’s a kazoo, harmonica, or toy trumpet, playful musical toys unleash a child’s inner musician.

Trumpet Toy
  1. Tractor
    (Ages 2+, Ride-On Toys, Imaginative Play)

Toy tractors allow kids to pretend to plow fields, haul loads, and perform farm work just like real tractors. Many toy tractors are pedal powered or use battery power so children can ride on them. Most feature chunky tires, oversized farmer seats, and authentic-looking colors and detailing. Playing with tractors inspires fun roleplaying as kids act out being a farmer, construction worker, or landscaper. Ride-on tractors with rumbling engine sounds and horns bring active and engaging play as kids steer the tractors around the yard. Toy tractor playsets may include trailers for hauling too. Whether rolling or riding, toy tractors feed a child’s imagination.

  1. Travel Games
    (Ages 4+, Family Games, Portable Entertainment)

Travel games provide fun family entertainment on long car rides and vacations. These compact, portable games are designed specifically for travel and don’t take up much space. Popular travel games include magnetic chess/checkers, compact playing cards, handheld electronic games, and small versions of classic board games. Travel games have magnetic or enclosed pieces so they can be played in a moving vehicle. They help pass the time, engage the brain, and reduce boredom when stuck in transit. From preschoolers to teens and parents, travel games bring interactive, screen-free entertainment on any excursion.

Hasbro Gaming Guess Who? Card Game
  1. Telephone
    (Ages 5+, Pretend Play, Social Interaction)

The telephone is a classic pretend play toy that allows kids to roleplay talking on the phone just like grownups. Toy telephones, both vintage and modern styles, encourage imitation, language development, and social skills. Kids love emulating daily activities like calling friends, booking appointments, and having meaningful conversations. Rotary dial and princess phone styles inspire nostalgic play. Smartphones and plastic cell phones let kids pretend to text and take pictures. Holding the receiver, dialing, listening and responding builds communication abilities. Play telephones are one of the most popular toys that start with the letter T and get kids talking, connecting, and using their imagination.

Classic Toy Rotary Telephone
  1. Tiddlywinks
    (Ages 6+, Skill and Action Games, Develops Hand-Eye Coordination)

Tiddlywinks is an old-fashioned game of skill involving small discs called “winks.” Players use a squidger tool to snap the little plastic winks and aim them into a cup. Strategies involve bank shots off the rim and knockouts to displace an opponent’s winks. It’s an easy game to learn but takes skill and practice to become an expert tiddlywinks shot. This classic game that starts with the letter T improves focus, aim, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. Tiddlywinks is portable and can be played solo or competitively. It’s an entertaining analog game that stimulates minds young and old without screens or batteries.

Tiddlywinks, a Traditional Family Game with 28 Multicolored Pieces
  1. T-Rex Dinosaur Toy
    (Ages 3+, Dinosaur Toys, Stimulates Imagination)

Stomping, roaring T-Rex dinosaur toys allow kids to recreate the excitement and adventure of the prehistoric world. From small PVC figures to large plush dinosaurs, T-rex toys capture the ferocity and scale of this apex predator. Dinosaur toys encourage role play as kids act out T-rex battles, hunt for prey, and explore Jurassic jungles. Many feature movable jaws and limbs for added realism in play. Educational toys that start with the letter T can spark interest in dinosaurs and natural history. Whether designed for collecting, display, or imaginary play, T-rex dinosaur toys feed a child’s curiosity about the king of dinosaurs.

T-Rex Dinosaur Toys for Kids
  1. Telescope
    (Ages 5+, Educational Toys, Explore Outer Space)

A toy telescope opens up the wonders of space to budding young astronomers. Kid-friendly telescopes are designed for smaller hands and amateur stargazing. They come in beginner models as well as advanced telescopes with motorized mounts. Children can explore craters on the moon, rings of Saturn, Mars, and more from their own backyard. A telescope is an educational toy that begins with T and nurtures an interest in science and astronomy. Tracking the night sky, identifying constellations, and discovering planets fuels curiosity, learning, and imagination. Every child dreams of discovering new worlds and toy telescopes make it possible on a smaller scale.

Telescope for Kids & Adults
  1. Triominos
    (Ages 7+, Tile Games, Develops Strategy)

Triominos are creative tile games similar to dominos but with triangles. Each tile has 3 numbers or symbols instead of 2. Players take turns matching up edges and expanding the game board. There are endless layout possibilities so no two games are ever alike. Triominos improve visual perception, spatial reasoning, and critical thinking. Optional game rules add more challenge. As a fun, interactive family game starting with the letter T, Triominos build skills in math, shape recognition, strategy, and concentration. Players combine creativity with careful planning to best use their tiles in this addictively fun tile game.

  1. Teen Titans Go! Action Figures
    (Ages 4+, Action Figures, Heroic Adventure Play)

Teen Titans Go! action figures bring the characters from the popular cartoon to life for heroic adventures. Kids can collect their favorite Teen Titans like Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire. The 4-inch figures are ready for action with character-specific accessories and battle sounds when their bodies are squeezed. Teen Titans Go! toys encourage imaginary play as kids re-enact scenes and make up new stories with the teen superheroes. The cute cartoon-accurate sculpts add personality. Action figure toys that start with the letter T inspire active, social play as kids team up to defeat villains and go on Titan missions.

Teen Titans Go Teen Titans Action Figure
  1. Tunnels
    (Ages 1+, Active Play, Promotes Fitness)

Play tunnels create an imaginative kids’ playground inside or outside. Tunnels are perfect for burning energy and having active fun. Plastic, nylon, and pop-up tunnels come in assorted colors, shapes, and sizes with features like mesh windows, obstacles, hideaways, and crawl spaces. Tunnels can be configured into mazes and networks for games of hide and seek. Small play tunnels are great toddler toys starting with T that build coordination and encourage first crawling. Bigger kids enjoy zooming through tunnels, hiding out, and incorporating tunnels into forts and structures. Play tunnels inspire giggles and exercise as kids scrabble through with endless adventures.

Things that start with T - Kids Play Tunnel Tent for Toddlers, Colorful Pop Up Crawl Tunnel Toy
  1. Tickle Me Elmo
    (Ages 18 Months+, Plush Toys, Interactive Play)

Tickle Me Elmo is a special plush Elmo toy that giggles when tickled. First released in 1996, this instantly popular toy flew off shelves and became a huge holiday hit. When Elmo’s tummy is squeezed, he bursts into uncontrollable laughing and shaking. This interactive experience delights toddlers and young preschoolers. Tickle Me Elmo dolls encourage exploration, sensory stimulation, and nurturing play. Elmo’s contagious giggling plays over and over which kids find hilarious.

Sesame Street Tickliest Tickle Me Elmo, Laughing, Talking, 14-Inch Elmo Plush Toy
  1. Tumble Tower
    (Ages 5+, Skill and Action Games, Promotes Strategy)

Tumble Tower, also called Kerplunk, is a suspenseful game of skill, balance, and strategy. Players take turns removing sticks from a tube filled with marbles. The goal is to avoid having the tower tumble as marbles drop down. Suspense builds with each stick removal, making it an exciting game for kids and families. Games like Tumble Tower sharpen planning abilities, concentration, fine motor skills, and impulse control. With a steady hand and strategic planning, you can be the last player to remove a stick before the whole tower comes crashing down. It’s a classic toy that starts with T.

Tumble Tower, also called Kerplunk
  1. Train Conductor Set
    (Ages 3+, Pretend Play, STEM Learning)

Kids can take charge of the train yard with an imaginative train conductor set. Playsets come with a motorized train engine, track pieces, train cars, signs, a ticket booth, and a conductor figure. Kids start up the train, lay the tracks, punch passenger tickets, and make station announcements. These engaging toys starting with T let kids roleplay jobs like conductor, ticket agent, and engineer. Preschoolers gain STEM skills designing track layouts and controlling the train with buttons. Train playsets promote pretend play, problem-solving, and early engineering concepts in a fun, hands-on way. All aboard for creativity, interactive learning and nonstop adventures!

Toys that begin with the letter T - Train Conductor Costume Set
  1. Toy Town Playset
    (Ages 3+, Pretend Play, Creative Storytelling)

Toy towns and train sets allow children to build their own miniature communities. Playsets include houses, garages, shops, vehicles, and parks along with paved roads, street signs, and traffic lights. Kids can arrange the pieces into a bustling town. Adding miniature figurines sparks roleplay as kids pretend to live in the little town, act out stories with characters, and exhibit creative thinking skills. This toy that begins with the letter T lets kids exercise spatial reasoning to design their ideal town layout. Open-ended play promotes boundless imagination as children populate the town with people and act out all sorts of scenarios.

Toy Town Playset
  1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures
    (Ages 4+, Action Figures, Battling Play)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures bring the pizza-loving, sewer-dwelling, crime-fighting turtles to life in detailed toy form. Kids can collect Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello. The 12-inch figure capture all the turtles’ signature traits and ninja moves. Accessories include their iconic weapons so kids can imagine intense Turtle battles with Shredder and the Foot Clan. Toys starting with T featuring the Turtles inspire creative play as kids dream up new New York City adventures. Open-ended play with the TMNT figures fosters cooperation, storytelling, and martial arts mastery.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 12” Giant Leonardo Figure by Playmates Toys
  1. Toy Story Toys
    (Ages 3+, Movie Toys, Beloved Characters)

Toy Story toys let kids re-create adventures from the beloved Pixar films. Popular Toy Story toy characters like Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and Jessie inspire imaginative play. Kids can act out scenes with Woody, Buzz, and the whole toy gang. Toy Story action figures feature movie-accurate details and phrases from the films. Playsets include Woody’s Roundup, Andy’s bedroom, and scenes to set the stage for Toy Story adventures. Toys that start with T bring the characters kids love to life and spark creativity as kids make up their own stories with the spirited, lovable toys.

Toys that begin with T - Toy Story Set of 4 Action Figures
  1. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
    (Ages 5+, Word Games, Boosts Vocabulary)

Taco cat goat cheese pizza is a fun, zany word game involving silly phrases. To play, kids make a silly sentence using those 5 words in that order. Then they keep switching the starting word to the end to form humorous new sentences. This game that starts with the letter T gets kids laughing while building vocabulary, sentence skills, and thinking flexibly. Players try saying the phrases faster and faster while jumbling up the words. Anyone who stumbles or gets tongue-tied is out. Taco cat goat cheese pizza is a simple, screen-free game that builds literacy and language skills through play.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
  1. Teepee Tent for Kids with Lights
    (Ages 3+, Pretend Play, Indoor Adventure)

A teepee tent creates a cozy hideaway right inside a child’s bedroom. Kids can crawl into the fold up canvas teepee for reading, relaxing, and imaginary adventure. Some feature colorful Native American-inspired patterns. Built-in LED string lights create a magical glow inside the tent. Teepee tents feed curiosity about Native American lifestyles and foster pretend play. Kids love having their own secret clubhouse for arts, crafts, storytelling or just curled up with books. A teepee tent adds whimsy to a bedroom while building imagination and narrative skills.

Toys that start with T - Teepee-Tent with Lights & Campfire Toy & Carry Case


With this terrific selection of T-themed toys, you little tikes will be thrilled for fun learning! These 25 toy ideas build skills across ages and interests. Screen-free play with toys lets you flex your abilities while having a tremendous time.

So tell me, which are your favorite toys that start with T? When parents share beloved playthings, it helps our community power up playtime. Now get out there and make some memorable moments!

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Hey there! I'm Allen, but you can call me "The Corny Dad" from Canada. I have a wife and four kiddos. Yep, one's full grown, but they'll always be my babies. When I'm not doing something with my family or playing video games, I'm here, jotting down my bits of wisdom on this blog. From the fun stuff to the parenting chaos, I cover it all. Believe me, with the right attitude, parenting's a smoother ride and I'm here to help.

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